Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Assassination and “Cover Up” of Ramarley Graham by New York Officials

By Gregg L Greer, Editor for One World,
Many would agree, the latest group of civil rights cases at this moment in time seem connected historically to some of the most shameful crimes of the civil rights movement—the murder of four young girls in a Birmingham church bombing, the KKK mob slaying of three civil rights workers in Mississippi during Freedom Summer, the gunning down of Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers in the presence of his small children, and the torture and killing of 14-year-old Emmett Till—all helped galvanize public opinion in support of the civil rights movement by making it unlikely to ignore the ruthlessness and virulence of the southern racist.
A graphic portrayal of the background of the Ku Klux Klan, its historical association within law enforcement, and the current comparison by many to New York law enforcement lends reason why hate crimes committed by Police cannot be ignored.
Amongst these very atrocities that have graphically exposed the moral destitution of the criminal justice system. The systematic assassination of Ramarley Graham was/has remained broadly unpunished. Many believe the failing is an effect of racism, fear, apathy, and lack of political will. Yes, the normal routine is Tepid investigations and superficial trials take place, and some light prison punishments are given out, but a number of the perpetrators to date have continue to enjoy impunity. Numerous of these killers finished out their days as unrepentant racists. The example of  trends mentioned is classic, and consistent of the Ramarley Graham case. 
But in two especially brutal and high-profile murder cases in New York Ramarley Graham and that in California Kenneth Harding Jr.—justice has yet to be fully served.

080112-national-Ramarley-Graham (edit)
Ramarley-Graham prior to Death.
On Feb. 2, 2012- police from a special narcotics unit chased Graham, 18, from White Plains Road and East 228th Street to his home at 749 E. 229th St. in Wakefield because cops investigating a drug deal believed Graham had a gun in his waistband.Graham was leaving a bodega near his home in the Boro’s Wakefield section when Officers pursued Graham into his home and rather than moving with caution and calling for backup Officer Richard Haste fatally shot the teen in the bathroom but only a small bag of marijuana that investigators hypothesized Ramarley had been attempting to flush down the toilet.
The raid on the family’s home was traumatic; Ramarley’s little brother Chinnor, now 7, was in the house, along with his grandmother, Patricia Hartley, who was taken directly to the NYPD’s 47th Precinct Station House and interrogated for seven hours. Officer Haste later indicated he thought Graham was adjusting a gun in his waistband — but no weapons were found on Graham’s body.
Constance Malcom at a Protest!
Constance Malcom at a Protest!
Outside of Corner Social on Lenox Avenue and 126th Street, a woman said: “It is sad. They kill you in your own house,” after hearing Franclot Graham speak.

It is sad. They kill you in your own house," after hearing Franclot Graham speak.
It is sad. They kill you in your own house,” after hearing Franclot Graham speak.

A grand jury  later voted to indict NYPD Officer Richard Haste on manslaughter charges in the February 2012 shooting death of unarmed Bronx teen Ramarley Graham, at which point Haste did turn himself in.
Security footage evidence from the February incident shows 18-year-old Ramarley Graham entering his grandmother’s home and police were following him shortly thereafter. Cops said they had witnessed Graham participate in a drug deal and thought he had a gun. They illegally entered the home without a search warrant.
Still In the presence of overwhelming evidence against Hatse which included CCTV (video)- Judge Steven L. Barrett threw out the indictment against Haste, calling the language used by the District Attorney to present the case to the grand jury “misleading.”


With no great pleasure, I am obliged in this case to dismiss the charges,” Judge Barrett told the court, adding that his ruling did not establish that Haste had acted with justification and that the DA had the right to reconvene a grand jury. On August 7,2013, a reconvened grand jury decided not to re-indict Officer Haste. Said Judge Steven L. Barrett

Ramarley Graham's Mother Constance Malcolm and Father Frank Graham (shocked) after decision not to indict Haste
Ramarley  Graham’s Mother Constance Malcolm and Father Frank Graham (shocked) after decision not to indict Haste
We are surprised and shocked by the Grand Jury’s finding of no criminal liability in the death of Ramarley Graham. We are saddened for the family of the deceased young man and still believe that the court’s dismissal of the original indictment was overly cautious,” One Observer Johnson said,
Meanwhile Officer Hatse was greeted with loud cheers from awaiting fellow cops upon his case dismissal of the charges. For her unarmed son’s killer Constance Malcolm, as the bitter tears run out of in her eyes “That’s how they work,” the heartbroken mom said on that Wednesday when Officer Richard Haste was sprung in the Feb. 2, 2012 shooting of Ramarley Graham. “You see it every day.” said Malcolm.
Ramarley Graham’s Mother Constance Malcolm also used two later rallies to express her grief and anger, often speaking in raw emotional and racial tones. “Modern day lynching has to stop,” said Malcolm, who along with her husband wore a T-shirt with a picture of her son and the phrase: “Where is my justice?”
The decision set off angry protests as about 100 people marched from Johnson’s offices on E. 161 St. in the Bronx to the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building on 125th Street
Unfortunately, Ramarley’s killing is only one of thousands of similar murders on the current forefront, and the case was is an important turning point in the New American Civil Rights struggle.
According to Reverend Gregg L Greer of The Freedom First International, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, “Despite the passing of years—in which evidence grew cold, witnesses have lied, or no longer were capable of reliable testimony—a number of these festering crimes have been resurrected with renewed vigor and prosecuted with impressive results. Regardless, It took 30 years, but the murderer of Medgar Evers was finally brought to justice.” “A full four decades passed before the courts were able to convict all living perpetrators of the Birmingham bombing. We must not stop until Justice is served on Ramarley Graham, and Kenneth Harding and any young life lost due to this senseless violence.” “They need to know our fight, continues and is ongoing, and you will not have “Peace,” until justice is  fully served,  also Haste is a living lie that must be prosecuted.” says Greer.

APRIL 12, 2014 would Ramarley’s 21st Birthday
Today April 21, 2014 would have been Ramarley's 21st Birthday
Today April 21, 2014 would have been Ramarley’s 21st Birthday Justice must be served!

According the Southern Poverty Law Center, about 22 murder cases have been reopened in the South since 1989, resulting in 25 arrests and 16 convictions. This case can be overturned. Justice can still prevail.

Ramarleys' Call Foundation is up and running! Let's support them!
Ramarleys’ Call Foundation is up and running! Let’s support them!
What You Can do!
Whatever we do, we must keep God in the forefront. Let us be Christian in all of our actions. But I want to tell you this evening that it is not enough for us to talk about love, love is one of the pivotal points of the Christian face, faith. There is another side called justice. And justice is really love in calculation. Justice is love correcting that which revolts against love.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
What You Can do!
The Ramarley’s Call Foundation is up and running-like most foundations they need you to stay informed (Facebook), they need your help (Volunteer), and they need you to support (Donate).
(For more information on Ramarley’s Call Foundation)
#RiseUp4Ramarley - 3 ways you can help
1. Sign & share the petition to tell DOJ to investigate
2. *Starting Saturday – Please tell us what you did at 21 & what you wish Ramarley were alive to do, using #21forRamarley &
3. Join The April 16th, 12PM at 500 Pearl Street [Federal Courthouse]

One World
Gregg L. Greer a Public Speaker, Pastor, Writer and Social Activist. Gregg  L. Greer as the Editor of One World, and One World Today internet journals. you can reach him at